Monday, November 5, 2012

Still here!

Well I'm still trying to take those steps! I have made progress but it's slow. I can't believe the year is almost at an end! Where did it go?!!

Just a contest post at this point...another iron in the fire you could say! I've started getting interested in markers lately and ran across this post on one of the many blogs I follow!

Going Buggy is giving away a complete set of ProMarkers! That's 148 wonderful alcohol markers, sign up for a chance to win!! here

And in case I don't get a post in between now and the end of the year...

Go vote!!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Merry Christmas!
Happy New Year!

Monday, January 23, 2012

So many good intentions

I seem to always have too many irons in the fire. I can't get anything finished because I find myself spread too thin over too many projects. In the past few months I've been whittling down some of my interests, making a "to do" list really does help, and I feel like I am actually making some progress. One of my biggest things to tackle is to quit looking for so much inspiration and get to doing some more actual work! My next biggest project is getting my Etsy shop up and running. I've tinkered around with it, made a logo, read so many tutorials I've lost count and it's time to make that leap of faith. A friend asked me the other day why I kept delaying, what was the hold up? I thought on that for a moment or two and it really comes down to that same nasty little monster that has plagued me since childhood, rejection. Of the fear of it I should say. Having moved around so much and having to change schools so often it was just hard for me to make friends. I always felt like the outsider and still do to this day. The fear of "what if they don't like me" spills over into my adult life and in the back of my mind I fear that I will put my crafts up on the site and no one will like them. Oh I'm not naive, I know that some probably won't like my things but to think that every single person will not is absurd. It might seem silly to some but of all of the things I've overcome in my lifetime this ones been my hardest yet. But I know my determination, I'll get there! I know that my journey won't start until I take that first step!


Wednesday, October 12, 2011


As soon as I get a moment I'll start putting something on here!